Divorce, cheating, and infidelity fiction

Started by prime, Mar 05, 2024, 10:13 PM

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QuoteI don't think Barb lacked character or values. I think something just scared her. She saw herself getting older and lost sight of what was important. Maybe I let her down and didn't comfort her enough, but I always tried to be there whenever I knew something was bothering her. The thing is, you can't be responsible for what a person keeps inside themselves.



QuoteI see two kinds of people in the world. I see builders and collectors. Builders try to create something that didn't exist before and to do it they put a part of themselves into everything they build. In the process, they see their own worth in the worth of what they build. If you are a builder, then you are a builder in all aspects of your life; you are a builder in your relationships, in your work, in your play, and in how you view your role in society. Builders know that they cannot build two things in conflict with one another because each is a part of themselves and they know that it takes both time and commitment to build something of value. Collectors surround themselves with things that already have value. They may enhance the value of what they collect; but in the end, they draw their own worth from the value of the things they collect from the world around them. The irony is that many collectors think they are builders because they are building a collection, but that isn't what makes you a builder.


QuoteEighty-nine percent of participants reported monogamy, 4% reported open relationships, and 8% reported NCNM.


QuoteFor instance, results of a 36 study meta-analysis on CNM indicate a largely homogenous population of educated, white, middle- and upper-middle-class professionals, with the percent of people of color ranging from zero to a rare high of 48% (Sheff & Hammers, 2011). Specifically, within the context of polyamory communities, Sheff (2005) found race to be the most homogenous demographic characteristic, with the majority (89%) of 81 participants identifying as white.


QuoteHalf of Americans say open marriages – a marriage where both spouses agree that they can date or have sex with other people – are somewhat or completely unacceptable. This includes 37% who say these marriages are completely unacceptable and 13% who say they're somewhat unacceptable.


QuoteAlthough we know of no representative research that has addressed the question of the prevalence of CNM in the population, it appears from samples that we have recruited generally (i.e., cases in which recruitment was not targeted for CNM individuals), that approximately 4% of participants identify themselves as CNM (Conley et al., unpublished data).

This percentage is comparable to the percentage of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals estimated in the population (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005) and also equivalent to the percentage of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals in those same samples.


QuoteThe percentage of wives having affairs rose almost 40 percent during the last two decades to 14.7 percent in 2010, while the number of men admitting to extramarital affairs held constant at 21 percent, according to the latest data from the National Opinion Research Center's General Social Survey.

Blacks, executives and managers, and Southerners were most likely to report extramarital affairs to the 40-year-old survey, the oldest continuous source of data on American behavior.


QuoteSome research suggests that open marriage has a 92 percent failure rate. Steve Brody, Ph.D., a psychologist in Cambria, California, explains that less than 1 percent of married people are in open marriages.


QuoteUnlike the goal of an open marriage, in which the focus is on meeting individual needs and desires at the expense of marital unity, a monogamous marriage focuses on individual growth within and not at the expense of the protected space of marriage.



QuoteIf a woman isn't attached to a friend or married to a colleague, then I'm afraid the sexual pizzazz just isn't there.

Sleeping with my brother's girlfriend gave me an added frisson because I was having sex with someone he — one of the golden boys who monopolised my parents' attention — cared for. At last, I was the one in control.

As I shake the hand of a new business acquaintance, I still find myself wondering what his wife is like. They all think their other halves are different and would never stray. But honestly, given the encouragement, they really aren't.



QuoteThe prosecution say the pair hired an unknown killer to strike at Morgan's Food Fayre in Linslade, Bedfordshire, after realising divorcing their respective spouses would leave them in financial difficulties.



QuoteNadine Arslanian left the lights on and TVs blaring at her Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, home without even her children knowing where she was, The Post has learned.

And she left a "weird" typewritten note on the door for the man she was casually dating, that lover told The Post.

She then secretly flew for a week-long assignation with Menendez, the New Jersey Democratic senator, in the Dominican Republic in the spring of 2018.


QuoteA 24-year-old Wisconsin elementary school teacher was arrested Wednesday for allegedly "making out" with her fifth-grade student — less than three months before her wedding.

Inside her bag, police also found a folder with the victim's name on it containing many handwritten notes talking about how much they kissed one another, the charges allege.

In one of the letters, Bergmann allegedly wrote, "One of my cousins is in the 5th grade and I can't imagine a man talking to her how we talk. I know we have a special relationship and I do love you more than anyone in the world but I have to be the adult here and stop."



QuoteA random sample of 464 partners in heterosexual relationships graphed changes in commitment to wed monthly for 8 months and then graphed them from memory. Results supported the developmental change hypothesis; retrospective reports of commitment initially were lower than concurrent reports and increased more steeply over time. This effect was moderated by changes in relationship stage, with advancement showing accuracy of recall, maintenance showing developmental change, and regression showing amplification. Accuracy of recall depends upon relationship history, which has implications for relationship outcomes and reliability of retrospective reports.



Let's look at marriages -- both straight and gay -- in terms of rank:

A. Transcendental bond, you esteem each other, partner empties your balls or ploughs your cervix or rectum because they want to make you feel loved.

B. Mental bond, you are working together toward family, you enjoy each other as friends, and you keep each other sexually happy and fed to make that work.

C. Physical bond, you like to screw and eat a lot afterwards, but both are scheming for the tradeup.

I suppose we can add:

D. Convenience, you needed someone and they are there.

F. Codependency, you are both insane or alcoholic and need someone to be dysfunctional with.

Did I miss anything?


QuoteWhen I trust someone enough to finally take them to bed, I end up handing over my heart to them.



QuoteCognitive psychologist Iliana Samara conducted her Ph.D. project on romantic attraction and discovered that men, in particular, tend to overestimate the interest of their date.

"Note: we observed this mainly in men who found their female date attractive. Men who were less interested in the other person estimated their chances more realistically."



Quote"He had been dating this other woman, who he'd met online, since March 2019," Palmieri told The Post.

"The last texts they shared were disgusting, sexual messages," said Palmieri. "Eric sent them to her seven days before our wedding."

"I cried for the first few days. But there is just no denying his pathological, narcissistic behavior behind this," she said.


Call out the narcs. They are reptilian meatsuit fake humans, like sociopaths and other individualists.


QuoteA mom of two has been mocked on social media after revealing she left her longtime husband for a man she believed to be her "soul mate" — only for him to promptly reject her.

"As I settled into my seat, I looked up and immediately lost my breath," Trenfield wrote. "When our eyes met there was an instant familiarity that ran deeper than water-cooler chat. These eyes had locked before. Twelve years earlier. His name was Jason. I hadn't forgotten."

Less than a month later, Trenfield ended her 14-year marriage with her husband, despite not having had any further communication with Jason since the night of the dinner party.



QuoteSandra Pagniano, 39, vanished without a trace in May 2017, with two mysterious letters left behind.

The letters, which appeared to have been left by the mother-of-two, said that she was leaving and wanted to hand over the house, cars and custody of their two children to her husband David Michael Pagniano.

Prosecutors later learned that the notes had been forged by her 62-year-old husband.


Why lose 50%+ of everything when a shallow grave is easy to dig? lol weep


QuoteIn its conclusion that "Durall's mental state, including his research and planning of his wife's death, which preceded the murder for months, was qualitatively and quantitatively much more egregious and culpable than that required to prove meditated intent," the trial court relied upon the following facts: on several occasions during the months before Carolyn's murder, Durall conducted internet research on how to kill his wife; Durall stated in e-mails to women he met on an internet dating service that he dreaded the prospect of a divorce and he had "a plan" to resolve his unsatisfactory marriage; Durall met with one woman six months before Carolyn's murder and told her that it would be easier if his wife were dead; and Durall made a list of tasks and items needed for the crime. In addition, Durall took elaborate steps to cover up the crime, including hiring a private investigator, cleaning and concealing blood stains from the murder, disposing of his wife's body in a rural area, suggesting to police, friends, Carolyn's co-workers, and family that Carolyn had run off with another man, and concocting an alibi to comport to these facts.

As seen in Wood, the degree of Durall's planning and research distinguishes this case apart from more typical murder cases. Moreover, while the defendant in Wood used third parties to explore means of killing her husband, Durall's use of the internet to do the same suggests a similarly culpable mental state.



QuoteAnd so it was arranged and surprise, surprise, Mr Dolan was a very large guy, ginger hair and masses of freckles, a cock at least in proportion to his stature, and not only did he look Irish, he had the brogue and lilting voice that pegged him as more Irish than the Blarney Stone.



QuoteTaiwanese police allege she was carrying 15lbs of the drug, which - they say - she initially 'vehemently denied' having any knowledge of.

She later claimed her ex-husband John was behind the scheme, police say.

John's exact whereabouts are currently unclear. Mr Huang said that the legal team was seeking to subpoena him.
